Student Testing
Students at Riverside ES are assessed in many areas throughout the year. Parents will receive a notification letter about the testing their child will have as well as the results of each test.
Some of the Virginia and Fairfax County assessments that our students take are:
- NEW this year: iReady Universal Screener for math and reading for K-6 students
- Grades 3-6 Standards of Learning (SOL) tests and eCART tests
- Kindergarten Math Reasoning Assessments
- Grades 1-2 Math Reasoning Assessments
- Grades K-6 Developmental Reading Assessment, 2nd Edition
- WIDA for ESOL students
- Naglieri for grade 1 students
- CogAT for grade 2 students
Our school testing coordinator is Kaila Wise. Please contact Ms. Wise with questions about your child's testing program or test results.
Kaila Wise
Assistant Principal, ES